
Participants in European forum praised the agri-environmental scheme in Bulgaria

© Daniel Mitev

On 28.09.2017 in Brussels was held a thematic workshop в “Natura 2000: making an effective use of the support possibilities under the Rural Development policy”.

This ENRD workshop explored how to make an effective use of support possibilities for Natura 2000 under the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). It was jointly organised by the ENRD Contact Point and the European Commission’s Directorate-Generals for agriculture (DG AGRI) and environment (DG ENV), following up on the European Commission’s Action Plan for nature, people and the economy.

The event enabled lively debate and cooperation among national and regional authorities in charge of agriculture and the environment, and environmental organisations, with the aim of increasing synergies between Natura 2000 and the Rural Development Programmes (RDPs). It concluded that existing rural development tools can be effectively used for nature conservation purposes. Further adjustments to the RDPs are possible to better address the needs of Natura 2000 sites, especially in relation to forestry.

During the workshop was presented the process of the development and adoption of the agri-environmental scheme for Red-breasted Goose in Bulgaria. Despite the negative campaign in some medias in Bulgaria the scheme and the process of its development were termed as tex-book example for agri-environmental scheme development. The presentation was made by BSPB representative at the meeting upon invitation and request by the organisers from ENRD and EC.

Good practice examples presented at the event highlighted the potential of Results-based Agri-environment Schemes to deliver nature conservation objectives while acknowledging that farmers’ engagement is key to their success. Other examples demonstrated that effective nature-related projects piloted under the LIFE Programme could be scaled up with EAFRD support.

The event gathered over 70 participants from 22 EU Member States, including representatives of national and regional RDP Managing Authorities, environmental organisations, the European Commission and the ENRD Contact Point. 



© Nicky Petkov
© Nicky Petkov